You Can Buy A Tiny Crocheted Red-Nosed Reindeer And It’s Totally Adorable!
I love miniatures, especially the crocheted teeny tiny ones! But with my hands, there is no way that I could ever make them.

However, there are some people that will use their talents to make them and sell them! Today I found a tiny miniature crocheted red-nosed reindeer, isn’t it the cutest?

It is just the cutest, he looks just like Rudolph and I want to add him to our Christmas decorations! You could hang him on the tree, add him as a package decoration, or even set up a shelf of miniature Christmas decor!

This completely adorable reindeer is made in the Amigurumi crochet style! I want an entire collection of crocheted miniatures! I totally want a miniature crocheted dragon too… SO bad!

This miniature red-nosed reindeer is crocheted with 100% cotton embroidery threads. The reindeer is then stuffed with holofiber. His tiny legs and arms can even move so that you can position him how you want!
He is the sweetest little guy. My kids loved him and he is so detailed.
lexmanns9774 – Etsy Shop Customer Review

If you want your own miniature red-nosed reindeer, you can get one from TheLittleHapiness shop on Etsy! Make sure to check out her shop, she even has the dragon that I want!