To The People Freaking Out Over Male Circumcision: Get Over It

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Dear Freaker-Outers:

Honestly, I’m not sure if I should even go on talking to y’all, because you’ve already decided to hate what I have to say and you’re planning ways to tell me I’m evil. So for you – move on. Seriously. Just go read another article or something. Here’s a picture of a rollerblading penis just for stopping by…

rollerblading penis

Dear Everyone Else:

Here’s the thing: male circumcision is still a thing…and apparently it’s a hotly debated thing. Years ago we thought that it was something that little boys needed and so pretty much every boy in the US was circumcised. After we figured out it wasn’t (as) needed, we (as a society trying to protect our precious boys) kept doing it because we didn’t want boys to stand out as different with their peers. Bullying, yo. That time is over, though. Truth is, it isn’t necessarily necessary in the US (in parts of Africa it can cut down on female-to-male AIDS transmission by 60% so yeah, super duper needed there)…lots of boys aren’t…and we live in a new world where it’s okay for kids to be different.

That being said, if you’re reading this there’s a chance you didn’t even know there was a debate going on. Here are the five people freaking out about male circumcision and why we (they) need to c-a-l-m down.

It's not going to grow if you're freaking out over Male Circumcision, you might need to let it go. Click now!

1. The “I Want My Foreskin Back” guy – To you…it’s gone, man. Let it go. No amount of sending angry messages to moms who circumcised their boys is going to bring your flap of skin back. If something happened to your peep during the procedure, I feel for you. I do. But again, yelling at moms isn’t going to fix what happened to you. Go see a therapist. Find a significant other. Get off the internet. You’re only going to get angrier, so just…move on.

sad about sausage

2. The “My Husband Was Intact And My Kids Are Too” mom – Good for you that everyone in your family matches when they stand up to pee, but that doesn’t mean everyone in the world is exactly the same as you. Stop bullying other moms and trying to make them feel badly about something that’s already been done.

peeing together

3. The “Circumcision Is Male Rape” folks – No. Just, no.

4. The “It’s A Religious Thing And I’m Not” peeps – Again, no. Just, no.

5. Everyone I’m Forgetting – Truth is, in ten years, twenty years, whatever, this isn’t even going to be a thing anymore. It only feels big right now because of the internet and the fact that everything is amplified online. No amount of doxing moms who had their kids cut is going to change things. If it’s gone – it’s gone. As society shifts, less and less people will choose to circumcise and this will all be over. So, for now at least, move on. Go outside. Get some sunshine. Eat a brownie (I’ll let you interpret that as you may), but stop trolling for everyone who has ever had a little boy circumcised…because attacking them isn’t going to change a thing. In fact, it’ll back them into a corner and make them feel they have to justify their decision. So, stop.

internet troll

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  1. Thisliterally says male circumcision isn’t necessary in places like the US anymore, but then pisses over the people “freaking out” about it, because apparently raising attention to stop something that isn’t necessary is a bad thing.

    How can a site that appears to have a brain, literally make a “this isn’t medically needed, but stop complaining about unconsensual surgery” argument? the fuck?

  2. It doesn’t matter that you’re a female writing this article, I think men are also perfectly entitled to write about issues like abortion. However, I don’t think you have the right to judge someone like “I Want My Foreskin Back” guy who was altered at birth and is upset that he had no say in it. He can’t change it for himself, but he’s hoping to help prevent it from happening to others in the future.

    You could also make an article called “To The People Freaking Out Over Female Genital Mutilation: Get Over It” and it would sound just as bad as this. Can you blame the men who are upset that they didn’t have a say in an unnecessary surgical procedure that they couldn’t consent to? Or the uncircumcised men who have been made to feel that they are abnormal or undesirably?

    No, I don’t think there’s ANYTHING wrong with a guy who’s circumcised, but yes, I do judge parents who circumcise their infants. In your words: Get over it.

  3. It is immoral to do unnecessary cosmetic on a human without that human’s informed consent.

    Bodily autonomy, people. People have a right to make it into adulthood with a body that is intact and has not been surgically modified for reasons other than medical necessity without their consent.

  4. Yes! I understand there are people passionate about a cause. But the bashing and bullying is ridiculous! If you truly want to educate mothers, then there are ways to do it without making yourself look like an ass. (Not you. The intactivist ) I wish we could all just agree to disagree.

  5. Article about Male Circumcision.. written by a female..

    Lol what? In what way would you have an opinion about this?

  6. I didn’t have my boys circumcised and they are now in their late teens. They see themselves as freaks among their peers and are mad I made the choice I did. One of my sons even had his foreskin rip when he became sexually active. I didn’t get it done because I didn’t want them to hurt as babys. However it has caused them emotional (and that one instance physical) pain that hurts their self confidence. Of I had the choice to make again, I would have had it done.

    1. You do know they can still go get circumcised now right? Or when they become adults capable of making decisions about their genitalia that isn’t entirely because of peer pressure.

    2. Thank you for supplying your personal anecdotal evidence. I’ll place it right over here with the other pointless ramblings that don’t matter. They see themselves as freaks b/c you obviously didn’t sit down and actually talk to them about it. Making a decision like that from peer pressure is one of the dumbest rationals I have ever heard

    3. …Well why not just get them circumcised now? Because your children are extremely easily put down by peer pressure to in, because they didn’t do something that most of the world also doesn’t do, doesn’t really mean they needed to be cut at birth.

      You can do this whenever, you know, right? Right?

      1. Peer pressure to fit in*. Apologies, I can’t find an edit button.

  7. These batsh!t comments are why people write posts like this. God, STFU whiny intactivists.

    1. Funny, since this has an article against anti-vaxers. Which are also making stupid medical choices. Which will also likely be gone in 10-20 years.. like this article claims circumcision will be.

      But no, stop whining, right? I concur, the article maker is a hypocrite: Let us all shut up about stupid, harmful medical practices.

      1. Yes, please for the love of all things holy – stop fucking whining.

        It is not a harmful medical procedure. 117 babies don’t die every year. The foreskin is not fucking magical & it certainly does not have 16 functions.

        Intactifacts are not facts.

      2. Even if it doesn’t have those particular functions, it must have SOME function, some benefit which nature deems to outweigh any risk of penile cancer, phimosis, etc..
        I don’t know about the 117/year figure. Sounds like hyperbole to me.
        I’m confused–who’s saying foreskin’s “magical”?
        It’s not harmful? Watch a video of a circumcision (or look up “skin bridge”), and tell me it’s not harmful. Admittedly, this next thing is just an anecdote, but: I read a testimony from a guy whose erections hurt like hell because of how much skin was removed.

        I hope I didn’t come across as an attacktavist.

      3. Exactly, I mean it’s not like we’d have body parts we don’t need or anything. Tonsils, for one, are so very important and needed and that appendix certainly has it’s value. Seriously, just because it’s still hanging around does not mean it has a purpose any more or that it is needed at all so this is not a valid argument.

  8. And I simply say, please just don’t cut babies. It’s painful, inhumane and most of the world doesn’t do it.

  9. 1. Circumcision is not necessary. Not here, not in Africa, not ever.
    2. Religion is the reason genital cutting is “still a thing,” so let’s talk about it, especially since
    3. things brought by religion don’t just quietly fade away of their own volition. They usually have to be brought down kicking and screaming.
    4. Would you tell a victim of FGM to “get over it” and to stop fighting for the rights of people at risk for the same abuse she endured?
    There’s so much more I could say, but I don’t feel like wasting my time. How about you educate yourself?

    1. 91 per cent of white boys are still circumcised – if you mean to tell me “religion” explains that – I have to call bs

      The main reason for circumcision in america is women’s sexual objectification and entitlement to male bodies – it’s mainly done as a form of misandrist sexual violence

  10. Your loose article is a no…just no – but glad you had something to write about – expect us xx

    1. Hey Janet,

      Is that a threat?

      Expect us…

      You mean Anonymous? LAWL you do realize they don’t give a fuck about intactivists, right?

      1. Hey, I just particularly gave effort to come and write here to tell you, WHAT A STUPID FUCKING MORON YOU ARE.

        – The whole fucking world

  11. I’d pay a year’s salary rather than be circumcised. Why would I want the most sensitive and pleasurable parts cut off? That little bit of skin makes a big difference.

    Why don’t we just let everyone decide for themselves whether or not they want irreversible genital surgery? It’s their body after all.

    It’s not like it can’t wait. The USA (at 55% and dropping) and Israel are the only two countries in the world where more than half of baby boys are circumcised. Other countries circumcise, but not till anywhere from the age of seven to adolescence. Only about 10% of the world’s circumcised men were circumcised as babies. 70% of the world’s men (88% of the world’s non-Muslim men) never get circumcised.

    1. You sound like one of those “Why not let my child decide whether or not to get vaccinated when they’re older? It’s their body after all.”

      1. Yeah but the difference is getting circumcised isn’t going to prevent your child from dying of polio.

      2. Please let me know the next time a circumcision prevents someone from getting small pox. I’ll be waiting.

        There is no reason to do it, no medical benefit (especially in developed countries). So fucking knock it off with something that only exists due to religious pressure and tradition.

  12. I applause people who have the courage to speak against circumcision and spread awareness. It is an extreme human rights issue and genital violation. Making light of the matter gives me concern for your mental health or lack thereof. This is a trait of psychopathy. And you’re not even a good writer.

  13. So where’s the article that is just like this but for FGM?

    1. that type of sexism is only allowed against males in our gynocentric society – male bodies are not entitled to the same respect as female bodies in america – males are second class status persons

  14. Wow. Hacking off parts of newborn babies’ genitalia without anesthesia and without consent is so funny. Definitely requires a blog post making fun of people who want a better world for our children where there aren’t subjected to the risk of infection, amputation, permanent defects, and death for an unnecessary cosmetic procedure. Lets laugh about the 100+ healthy babies that die from it every year in the USA too while we are at it. Hilarious!

  15. So you can have an adult conversation about the pros and cons of male circumcision, or you can write a bizarre article that sounds more like self therapy for your own personal issues than sassy real talk.

  16. OK, while obviously getting circumcised is not even close to “male rape” (I don’t know who the fuck said anything like that, but fuck them), nor is it as severe as female genital mutilation (after all, male and female genitalia are different), this article is inane as hell, and disgustingly insensitive. “Get over it?” Sit the fuck down, kid. No matter what you want to believe, circumcision is genital mutilation, period. It’s an absolutely barbaric practice that has no place in an ethical society. There seems to be some debate as to whether or not it actually reduces the risk of contracting HIV, but empirical evidence, at least for now, seems to show that it does. (Though, I will point out that just because that’s what we’ve concluded from the data now doesn’t mean that’s what we’ll conclude later, after more scientists have reproduced the experiments performed–that’s the great thing about science, it’s always changing. Though, I’m going to go out on a limb here and wager that you didn’t bother to read even the abstract of whatever study you’re referencing… no sources listed on any of this shit; surprise, surprise.) But you know what? 3rd degree burns prevent acne. That doesn’t mean you set your head on fire. (Thanks, Burn Notice) I also heard that a great way to prevent developing cataracts is to have your eyes surgically removed at birth. Listen, the point is that, instead of literally fucking lopping off a part of people’s dicks, the part that literally has the most nerve endings, a solution that isn’t the most troglodytic thing I’ve ever heard of is better and more widespread education for safe sex practices, social de-stigmatization of condoms, better access to condoms, testing, and other preventative measures, etc. Seriously, this article is fucked up. You fucking know that if some fuckboy wrote an equivalent article about women, it would be unacceptable. As it fucking should be. This article is disgusting, and so are you.

  17. Wow. I’m sure the baby boys that are getting their genitals cut into would disagree with you. I’m sorry, but infant circumcision is a basic human rights issue. I had to witness a infant circumcision while in nursing school, and it is VERY painful- the anesthetic does not woek very well and wears off within 1/2 hour- meaning excruciating pain for 7-10 days with every urination and diaper change. And for the HIV reasoning to perform this- sorry, but the USA has the highest rates of circumcision in the industrialized nations, but also the highest rate of HIV. Europe, Canada, South America, Australia and Asia do NOT routinely cut their baby boys. In fact, NO medical organization in the world recommends infant circumcision. ALL mammals, male and female, are born with a prepuce, a protective, highly sensitive tissue. Why is it that ONLY male humans are born a surgical “mistake”??? NOPE- God created both baby girls and baby boys PERFECT. There is zero reason to amputate healthy and functional body tissue. And DO NOT make fun of men who are missing their foreskin. Circumcision causes tight, painful erections, as well as meatal stenosis and/or skin bridges for MANY men. It’s why thousands of men are going through “reversal”- stretching their foreskin to provide some coverage, increasing sensitivity and pleasure. They will never get all the nerve endings back sadly, but at least it’s helping restore somewhat of what they lost, against their own wishes.

  18. I guess I don’t get the religious part – it actually is completely rooted in religion. It was actually heavily promoted by Mr. Kellogg (of the company) himself as a way to reducing masterbation – essentially sexual control by way of surgery (not so different from FGM). Also, you can still have sexual pleasure without your clitoris so that point is also moot. There is a valid comparison.

    And while I don’t agree with trolling, or being super judge-y about it, I do think its a serious conversation we need to have now. No, don’t go eat a brownie – someone’s body is being cut, and its a choice from someone you know. Talk to them, talk about it, get informed, and politely and when appropriate, share some info.

    Babies should be protected and cared for – not hurt.

  19. Your “fact “about aids and Africa is wrong. The WHO said the study was done wrong and was worthless. Please keep your boys intact. It’s best for them. If it’s been done just do better for future sons. As we learn better we do better.

    1. Where did you get that information? I just checked WHO’s website and it still said that circumcision can reduce the risk of contracting HIV by up to 60%.

      1. The WHO should show us just one country in the world where circumcision has reduced the incidence of HIV by 60 %. Just one.
        And while they’re at it, show us the scientific proof that HIV enters the male body via the foreskin. Proof, that’s what we all want to see. It’s high time.

  20. Got to totally agree with you here. And the same goes for female circumcision — folks getting so excited and worked-up about it. Just get over it and get on with your lives. Millions of women around the world are circumcised, and they don’t seem to have any problems!

    1. Absolutely! I mean, female circumcision only prevents women from feeling any sexual stimulation, while male circumcision prevents AIDS transmission in much of the underdeveloped world, so exactly the same thing. I’m definitely applauding your ability to see the bigger picture. Good job, fella. Good on ya.

      1. When you are willing to have the whole tip of your penis removed, then the procedure of male circumcision can be compared to female removal of the clitoris. NOT until.

      2. Hey! My problems are worse than yours, so yours don’t matter!

      3. Yep Gabe, that’s how feminists work. It’s a victimhood comparison contest and they have to be worse off than you at all times.

      4. Yeah it is just a constant victim complex for attention, the best thing to do is ignore them

      5. Ah, the old “someone has it worse” whine. “

      6. Female circumcision has benefits: Stallings et al. (2005) reported that, in Tanzanian women, the risk of HIV among women who had undergone FGC was roughly half that of women who had not; the association remained significant after adjusting for region, household
        wealth, age, lifetime partners, union status, and recent ulcer.

        Who told you circumcised women can’t enjoy sex, or can’t 0rgasm?
        Myth BUSTED: see Pleasure and 0rgasm in Women with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C). J Sex Med. 2007 Nov;4(6):1666-78.
        In a group of 137 women, affected by different types of female circumcision, the researchers found that:
        – 86% have 0rgasms
        – 69.23% always have 0rgasms
        – 91.23% of the younger women have 0rgasms
        – 14 out of 15 infibulated report 0rgasms
        – Infibulated women showed the same desire, arousal, & satisfaction

      7. Wow, wrong on so many levels:
        1) Female circumcision doesn’t “prevent women from feeling any sexual stimulation.” There are several types of FGM, but the worst types are very rare, and are often done voluntarily. So really it makes more sense to compare those to body modifications that people choose to have done to themselves.
        2) That’s not even the point. If we concede that FGM is wrong, then any “medical” excuses for it become kind of irrelevant. Don’t you know people try to say there are “medical” reasons to cut female genitalia? What do you think of those people? Why should we think any differently of you?
        3) The “AIDS” argument is downright scandalous. Besides being based on seriously shady “studies,” it’s wrong in principle to give people the idea that circumcision somehow gives them magical protections against STD’s. Do you really want to be telling people they don’t have to wear condoms and practice safe sex?

        If you’re going to talk about the “big picture,” why don’t you take your own cultural blinders off? You know, the ones that make you think cutting a tiny sliver off of a girl is unacceptable, but cutting 15 square inches of perfectly healthy, important, sensitive tissue off of a baby boy is totally acceptable.

        I can see why religious people would have to find reasons why cutting genitals is “super duper necessary,” but no. Just no.

      8. 15 square inches of skin from an infants foreskin? Are you delusional or just stupid on purpose?

      9. Are you some kind of fucking retard? How does removing the foreskin in any way stop the transmission of HIV?

        Pro-tip: It doesn’t!

      10. I have to say, I loved your comment especially the “Pro-tip” part. That was unintentionally hilarious.

      11. It’s does not stop the transmission – it helps prevent transmission. The foreskin gives the virus a nice warm place to hide & grow.

        I can’t believe this actually has to be explained to grown adults.

      12. Uh… It is transmitted through semen, blood, saliva and precum… It would be extremely ineffective at preventing the transmission. Cutting off someone’s foreskin is also a completely barbaric and ineffective way of ‘solving’ the problem.

        You clearly have not had education past year 10 if you think otherwise. Patronising me just makes you look like a fucking idiot.

      13. I’m extremely happy I’m circumcised!! I absolutely love it and thank my parents for doing it. It’s a religious practice which is going to continue in the future. It’s always a religious practice and will remain a religious practice

      14. Can I also applaud your inability to see ANY of the picture? Stop pointlessly cutting people genitals (this is a developed country not Africa so the AIDS argument is pointless). Your “just get over it” attitude is also utterly pathetic. Oh your mom died? Well you can’t change it, so don’t be sad just get over it. Its already happened so why bother feeling anything about it.

        People like you spreading vague to blatantly false information is disgusting. Stop circumcision, point blank. You live in a developed modern country, stop engaging in 3rd world archaic practices.

      15. “I mean, female circumcision only prevents women from feeling any sexual stimulation, while male circumcision prevents AIDS transmission in much of the underdeveloped world, so exactly the same thing. I’m definitely applauding your ability to see the bigger picture. Good job, fella. Good on ya.”

        actually, if you read the research studies that have been done, the evidence contradicts most of these myths. The data shows that FGM prevents hiv, and most women who have had it done have orgasms and sexual satisfaction. Your myths do nothing to help women – only to hurt boys

  21. haha! love this. I have a girl and read it simply b/c I was wondering who was getting angry over this. now I know.
    and this statement……. “because attacking them isn’t going to change a thing. In fact, it’ll back them into a corner and make them feel they have to justify their decision. So, stop.” sums up how I feel about most crap right now. all the stuff about transgender and everything else. If people would stop being so mean about other people’s choices, then we wouldn’t have to have our internet explode with arguments and we could focus on stuff like, I don’t know, clean water for people in developing countries, feeding the hungry, stopping human trafficking, and the list of things goes on. Thanks for the smiles tonight.

      1. Yeah definitely! Let’s just let people do whatever they want!
        Let’s let people murder people, but it’s ok guys because it has already happened! How dare you condemn them!

  22. *Starts a slow clap.*

    Thank you. This is exactly how I feel. Attacking people for decisions they’ve already made never helps anything.

    1. I think this might the first slow clap totally the bomb has ever had. *blushes*

    2. The problem is, it shouldn’t have been their decision to make in the first place. The reason people are so riled up now is because they’re finally realizing circumcision was unnecessary and the only reason most parents even kept it up was either because of ignorance of the actual ramifications of the procedure, a power grab, or a desire to not isolate their sons from the rest of the “real men” in the world who were cut – as if lacking a perfectly natural part of the male anatomy somehow makes one less of a man. A lot of people think the opposite is true, most of whom are either women or men who are insecure and bitter over their own circumcision.

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