Writing Books and Managing Time…
So, I have no time management skills. Seriously, I have nothing. Now with the internet… I have massive piles of time wasters. I love Twitter, Facebook, Hulu… you name it.
So, I have been having a lot of trouble managing my time lately. I am completely ineffective. I sit down to do something, and think: Oh! I should check my email, or I wonder if anyone has sent me any twitter messages. Then, I open the web browser and 45 minutes later I am still clearning out my google reader cache. So… I have decided to come up with some ways to get things done more effectively.
A friend recently suggested Write Or Die.
This site is so fabulous, because it makes you write and if you don’t, then your screen goes all flashy and stresses you out until you get back on track!
I want to find more things like this on the internet so I can force myself to not procrastinate… but please don’t think the irony of searching the internet to help me waste time is lost on me…
Speaking of irony…
Oh! I LOVE write or die. I just wish I could have it without the Internet… the internet is my biggest distraction when I’m writing and I have absolutely zero willpower when it comes to avoiding it. Ha!