Yo Gabba Gabba is cooler than all those other kid shows…

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So, I have to watch a lot of kid’s shows.  I am one of those moms that will totally make deals with TV.  I say things like, “If you clean up your playroom all by yourself, then I will let you watch one Halle show.”  You can judge me if you want, but if you know me at all, you know that I hate cleaning, and will do anything to get out of it.  Now, I try to avoid things like Spongebob, and even Scooby-Doo, just because I feel like they offer zero educational output.  (My dad would disagree, he has this whole theory about how people learn their comedic timing from cartoons when they are young, and if they don’t watch them, then they end up one of those boring not funny people… but that’s really another blog post for another time.)

Well, there are some shows that I can’t take… Dora, her cousin Diego, there’s this one show with little whiny bunnies that drives me up the wall, and don’t get me started on the creepiness that is The Wiggles.  But, there is one out right now that makes me smile:  Yo Gabba Gabba!  It’s goofy and repetitive, and some of the characters freak me out a little, but I still love it, and the songs get stuck in my head ALL day long, but not in a bad way.  Basically, these monsters are playing in these little dioramas that this one guy is like in charge of.  He stands above them, like they live in a giant doll house.  The premise is way weirder than it sounds, I promise.  So, thanks Ya Gabba Gabba for making something I can stand to watch!

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  1. My son likes it too. It’s actually produced by my friend’s husband. I remember when they were still putting it together and trying to sell it to Nickleodeon. None of us could actually envision what it would look like from their descriptions, but when it came out and it was all retro offbeat it made perfect sense.

  2. We started off with this great idea that we’d never let Cecilia watch tv, but in order for me to get a shower w/o daddy suffering through her wailing, she gets to watch the Muppets on YouTube. The other day we found Yo Gaba Gaba. At least she’ll get a good music foundation!

  3. I tried to watch it , but it kept stopping ….hmm, maybe that’s just as well, so I don’t get a “brain worm” where the music goes round and round on and on over an over in my brain!