Your Elf on The Shelf Can Now Have Babies
If you participate in the annual Elf on The Shelf shenanigans you know it’s almost time to bring your Elf back. If you feel you may have exhausted all the ideas you can, then never fear because Your Elf on The Shelf Can Now Have Babies…

Yeah I am a bit confused and not sure how to feel too but ya know, it’s also one of those, “why didn’t we think of this before”, sort of things…

But think of this, introducing an entire new family of elves and not just any elves, baby elves… Awwwwww.

The etsy shop My Magical Moments is the brilliant mind behind these adorable little creatures.
The etsy shop offers a pack that includes baby elves, baby elf clothes and even baby elf wooden furniture.

Let’s be honest, the ideas you can do with a new Mommy or Daddy elf, are endless.

The only thing is, I am not sure how we are going to explain how our elf had babies when our kids ask… Maybe we just stick to the answer, “magic”!
You can order your Baby Elf Set Here.
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