‘Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret’ By Judy Blume is Going to Be A Movie
My 8-year-old self just did a happy dance! Judy Blume was one of my favorite authors as a child. “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” was one that I read over and over again.

“We must, we must, we must increase our bust!” I thought that was hilarious as a kid! It still makes me giggle a little. Just thinking about her books make me smile!
I was and still am a reader. As a girl, I would read at school while waiting for them to call our bus number to go home. I would miss the bus because I was so into what I was reading!
As a grown woman, I read every single night! I will always prefer a good book over a movie or a television show.
“Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret” was SO popular when I was in grade school. It was a book that ALL girls could relate to and it helped us understand puberty.

Margaret was an 11-year-old girl and in the sixth grade. She and a few friends had a secret club and I wanted to be in it so bad!
The book talked about Margaret getting her first bra, boys, her first period, things all of us young girls were going through ourselves. It was so relatable!
It was the first time I had read anything about menstruation! Seriously! That wasn’t in other books back then.
Judy Blume published the book in 1970, 4 years before I was born. It’s been 50 years and kids are still reading it.
She finally agreed to sell the film rights to Producers James L. Brooks’ Gracie Films and Kelly Fremon Craig and I can not wait to see the movie!
Lionsgate won a multi-studio and streamer auction for the film rights and has committed to a green light on a film with a budget in the $30 million range.

I’ve always encouraged my girls to read more than anything else. If you can read you can learn everything. Some of my other favorites by Judy Blume are Superfudge, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Blubber, and Tiger Eyes!
No word on when the movie is coming but let’s hope it’s SOON.
It will be so much fun to relive those days!