You Can Crochet Your Own Baby Doll That Has Incredibly Realistic Features
I’m really not sure if this is super cute, or if it’s the most terrifying thing I have ever seen.

If you are an avid crocheter (crochetist? crocheting person?), you can use your crochet hook and yarn to make this amigurumi baby doll.

I’m just going to go ahead and let you do that. I’ve seen too many horror movies, and I’m afraid this doll is going to grab my hand whilst I’m trying to crochet it together.

I don’t want to sway your craft making decision to create your own little baby. You are allowed to think this doll is totally cuddly and worth the time it is going to take to hand make this little baby doll.
I’m 100% positive that kids will LOVE it, and cherish it forever.

It would be a fun and challenging project to complete while you are stuck at home this quarantine season. If you are a doll collector, this would be a cool and unique baby to add to your collection.

These babies come in TWO unique designs, a Baby Louis and a Baby Emily. You can get BOTH designs over at Ravelry, on the Cleoschrochetart store, where each pattern will cost you about $6.15.

The eyes of the dolls can be made open or shut, and the mouths of the little babies are open so that you can put a pacifier in them. Even I have to admit, that is pretty cute!

They even have little bums. How adorable is that?!?

If you are super comfortable with a crochet hook and yarn, you can try your hand at Baby Sophie, who is also on the same site, and also created by Cleoschrochetart.

If you are looking for something a little less ambitious, you can check out these little crocheted S’mores. They are absolutely precious — and not terrifying. *smile*

I just came across these “realistic” amigurimi dolls while looking for a baby gift I could make. Not for anything but these are the creepiest things I’ve ever seen. They look like something out of a fever dream.
Sorry, but this is incredibly creepy!