
People Are Buying Tops, Not Bottoms, Because You Don’t Need Pants To Work From Home

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Walmart has seen an interesting trend as of late. There has been a spike in sales of tops, but not a growth in people buying the bottom parts of outfits.

Can you guess why? LOL!

Raise your hand if you are now working from home! Shout out to all my fellow teleworkers!


SO many people are working from home, but they still have to look presentable for all their Zoom meetings. Since video conferences are now an everyday thing, people have been buying up presentable outfits for the top half of their bodies.


Then, because they are my spirit animals, these people are wearing sweat pants or shorts on the bottom. People don’t see the bottom half of your body when you’re on a teleconference call, so who cares, AMIRITE?!?


(Because of our new reality of working from home), millions of white collar workers — normally bound by dress codes and expectations in the office — are trading business trousers for sweat pants, and stiff blazers for that hoodie they would only ever allow their family, roommates or dog to see.


I will admit, MOST days now I wear a nice shirt on top, and then pj pants or shorts on the bottom. Nobody, but my family members, is any the wiser. Well, now YOU know my secret, too, but I know you won’t tell. *Shhh*


These behaviors are going to continue to change and evolve as people get accustomed to this new lifestyle, if you will.

Via Tyler Feder on Instagram

I see nothing wrong with this new trend. Be comfy and get your work done. It’s a win, win!


Did you know that Fancy Fridays are now a thing? It gives all us people who dress (halfway) down during the week, a chance to dress up nice one day a week. Check it out!


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