These Personalized North Pole Christmas Gift Tags Show Kids Santa Delivered Presents on Christmas Eve
Regardless of how you wrap your Christmas presents they should always be labeled.

Labeling your presents before you put them under the tree helps create less chaos on Christmas day when figuring out which present goes to which person.

Thanks to Etsy shop owner @SweetBackflipUK, you can find personalized North Pole tags to show that every present came directly from Ole’ Saint Nick’s home.

Stamped by Santa’s workshop from the North Pole, each label has a ‘deliver to’ with personalized names and a ‘delivered by’ with Santa Claus’ signature including the date each present was delivered.

Decorated in red, green, and gold, each gift tag sticks to each present completing the look of the wrapped presents.
Available in gloss and matte varieties in counts of ten, you can find the North Pole Christmas tags on Etsy from $4.19 and up this holiday season.