
These Stores May Start Selling Only Essential Items. Here’s What You Need To Know.

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Vermont stores are trying something a little different. All big box stores are being told that they can only sell essential items.

This is supposed to limit the number of people coming to the store, thereby limiting possible exposure to the virus.


I can’t decide if I think this is a genius idea, or a horrible idea. I can totally see it from both sides.

On one hand, I DO NOT want to be limited on what I can buy. If I break a pan, I want to be able to go replace it.

If my family decides we want to work on a puzzle or game, I want to be able to add it to my pickup order without a problem. AND, if I run out of face moisturizer, good grief, that’s pretty essential to me.


On the other hand, if less people are out in public buying non-essential things, that’s less time we might have to stay stuck at our houses 24/7.


You would still be able to get things like medicines and foods at these stores, but you could NOT get things like makeup, gardening supplies, clothing, kitchen items, or toys.

These “non-essential” items would have to be purchased ONLINE. Remember, however, there are HUGE delays on shipping online orders right now.

You would have to plan accordingly for things like replacing underwear, replacing face powder, or even planning for birthdays.


Now, remember, this is just happening in VERMONT right now. Also, it is only affecting BIG BOX stores, like Costco, Target and Walmart.

According to sources, however, this putting a stop to the sale of non-essential items may start happening across the United States, if we can’t control this COVID-19 situation.

Grocery stores, pharmacy stores, and convenience stores are still safe, for now.

What do you think? Is this a good idea?


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