
Unloading the Dishwasher….

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Unloading the dishwasher is one of those stupid things that you have to do ALL the time and feel like you are never done doing it… unless you get ahead of it… If you get up in the morning EVERY morning and spend eight mintues unloading the dishwasher, then you don’t have to worry about the dishes piling up in the sink all day because they can go straight to the dishwasher… AND you don’t have to worry about having too many dishes to fill up the dishwaser because you are doing dishes every single day. I find it funny that eight minutes in the morning can have such an impact on my daily life. I decided last week that no matter what I was going to unload the dishwasher first thing every morning, and I wasn’t going to go to bed at night without making sure all the dishes around the house were put in the dishwasher… and I have been doing it… I really can’t believe how much easier it has made cleaning the kitchen…

I wonder what other things I could spend eight minutes of my day doing… 🙂

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  1. Hi, I’m Tammy Hart, I work for husband. I clicked on your link in your signature to find your blog. Halle is adorable!

    As far as doing the dishes everyday, I stand and applaud you. It seems like I can do it for about a week, and then I just lose steam and it’s back to the ominous pile of hamburger grease pans and milk ringed glasses. 🙂

    btw, the blog for my girls is http://www.mythreedaisies.com

  2. You could open the mysterious package in your mail – containing a bomb…a BOMB BURRITO!!!