Did You Know There’s A Reason McDonald’s Coke Tastes Better?
Almost anyone with kids has spent more than their fair share of time sitting on those little plastic/metal chairs at McDonald’s, sipping away at a Coke, while the kids were burning off energy on the playground. And during that time, you may have also noticed that the Coke’s at Micky D’s are way better than what you can get anywhere else…did you ever wonder why though? Here’s the real reason why McDonald’s Coke Tastes Better.
Did You Know There’s A Reason McDonald’s Coke Tastes Better?
First, it isn’t the syrup. I know you think that’s why, but you’re wrong. Actually, while most restaurants have their syrups delivered in plastic bags, Coca-Cola brings McDonalds special stainless steel containers that keep things just a little fresher and preserve the ingredients better. So while they don’t add extra syrup, they do take steps to make sure the syrup is served as identically as possible at all of their restaurants.
You should know, too, that while they don’t give you extra syrup, the melting ice and how much it dilutes the drinks is taken into consideration with their syrup ratio. So if you’re like me and ask them to hold the ice, you actually ARE getting a slightly sweeter drink than those who go full cube.
Second, it’s cold. Like, really cold. While McDonald’s has been known in the past for their hot coffee, it should probably be recognized for its cold carbonated beverages. Cold temperatures hold carbonation better, so by serving it just a little cooler than their competitors, McDonalds is able to make the carbonation last longer and more bubbly means a better taste.
Not only that, but their straws are slightly bigger so more of that carbonated goodness hits your tastebuds all at once. Apparently, with straws at least, bigger really IS better.
Third, McDonalds really wants you to love your soda, so they actually filter the water more than most to keep the quality even higher. In fact, they invest a lot of money into keeping their double filtration system well maintained and working better than anyone else’s system.
I mean, think about it…better drinks means parents don’t mind sitting as long to watch the littles run in circles through the playground.
Pretty smart, McDonalds!
HEY, REDDIT! I was scrolling through the front page before I went to bed tonight and saw you all reading this!! Thank you so much!! You made my night!!! ~Mary
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McDonald’s Coke’s do seem to taste better. But since they went back to styrofoam cups, if the coke sits in it to long, it has a chemical taste. The plastic cups never had that chemical taste, no matter how old the drink was, within reason.
…and, to prove my point, remember the “Flash!” news that diet soda causes dementia? That died a quick, quiet death because it was patently false- leaving them open for a substantial lible law suit
First, I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes ten years ago. I was insatiably thirsty. I drank sugared soda all my life but it it wasn’t until “old age” that I became diabetic.
The only modification I made to my diet was cutting out sweets and switching to diet soda. I lost 39lbs. I’ve plateaued for the last few years, burn 1,300 calories three times a week doing aerobics and weights.
Here’s some facts for you paranoid Orthorexics: 1. Soda doesn’t cause diabetes. No one knows what does or they would have a cure for it. 2. Diet soda is not worse than sugared soda. 2. It does not “trick” your body into thinking it is sugar. 3. Diet soda does not make one thirstier. 4. Neither kind of soda is “poison.”
The two times I was in the hospital I found diet soda on the menu. I called the kitchen and told them my kids (who rot their livers and every other organ with alcohol) constantly berate me for drinking soda. The PhD dietician laughed and said there is nothing wrong with diet soda. Two medical doctors who are fitness freaks told me the same thing. A thorough web search for SCHOLARLY expert opinions on the subject confirm nothing wrong with diet soda.
I also found published research stating those with higher education know not only that nothing is wrong with diet soda but the organic mania is politically motivated and a waste of money. This by OBJECTIVE, SCHOLARLY research.
I’m amazed how the more our public education system fails to teach generations of youths the less able they are to recognize hyperbole, conduct deductive and intuitive analysis, and are rabidly driven by every pseudo-scientific fad as a crutch for discipline and hard work – at the gym and in life.
This is one of the most “I Am Very Smart” comments I have ever read. ???
SCHOLARY comments, Mary. ‘Tis a scholar.
So Smart.
That was very OBJECTIVE and SCHOLARLY. You must be SUPER DUPER SMART. I ESPECIALLY like how you CAPITALIZE some of the WORDS to not only make it look like you’re YELLING, but also STANDING on a CHAIR while doing so.
Firstly, thanks for giving such a great explanation highlighting some of the reasons for the differences in taste! I’m not so sure about the straw thing; although a lot of people pass around that idea, I didn’t find that subbing a different straw changed the taste. (I had a reason to need bendy straws in the hospital for a while.) I am a Coke connoisseur much like those who are interested in wine are with their vintages, and I had figured out years ago that the real differences between tastes in beverages from different places don’t come from the syrup, but the carbonated water and the proportional mix of the two elements (syrup and carbonated water). While traveling on a plane, I once explained all of that to an amused McDonald’s executive/guy in a plain suit I didn’t know from Adam’s house cat when he asked about why I made a big deal of getting my McDonald’s Coke on board (I was mobility challenged and needed help getting to my seat) even though the beverage cart would soon come around with the complimentary canned version. In subsequent conversation, he confirmed I and your explanation regarding their mix were right; while other places serve a basic or even weakened version of the drink with eyes fixed solely on profit, McDonald’s takes Coke’s already unique syrup and tweaks the mix for quality in other unique ways–and bless them for being so meticulous in giving us the best drink possible!!!
As for all this nonsense about poison via chemicals, corn syrup, and calories, it should be treated as just that–nonsense! Now, if one looks at nutrient value, Coke does lack valuable vitamins and minerals, so it could certainly be argued that the drink isn’t a great choice if one is looking for those to fuel the body. However, that’s rarely the case anti-Coke arguments make. Most people seem to care more about weight than nutrition, which pretty much undercuts their arguments. As far as weight goes, calories are calories, whether one gets them from apple juice, Gatorade, an ear of corn, a spoon full of sugar, or Coke. There were a lot of people who jumped to conclusions that the way the body processes fructose and glucose would lead consumers of corn syrup to develop non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which was what triggered a lot of panic and intense rhetoric about drinking high-fructose corn syrup causing a river of death and destruction to flow from the liver, but actual studies don’t bear that out (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140226075021.htm). Also, a person who is genetically predisposed to diabetes, pre-diabetic, or actually diabetic has to be concerned about dietary intake and condition risks/management, but one cannot give oneself diabetes simply by eating or drinking the “wrong” thing, as that’s not how the condition works. Now, there are a lot of valid criticisms that could be leveled at food and drinks offered at McDonald’s, at Coke, and at other food/drink products that have questionable nutritional but high caloric value, and it’s probably a wise idea to make Coke a side or a treat rather than a staple in one’s diet. It’s also understandable that those who have serious concerns about the drink want to eliminate it altogether from their diets. To spread malicious nonsense, label it poison, and demand it be banned for the rest of us goes too far!!!
I believe that makes this a time for the pause that refreshes. I doubt my point of view will have everyone singing in perfect harmony no matter how well reasoned my arguments are, with most of the anti crowd keeping to the war on the company. I can’t afford to buy them all a Coke as an olive branch of peace, but I’ll be happy to share a Coke and a smile from my side of the battle lines!!!! 😀
The current McDonald/Coke ad with the clarinet. I am sick of it. Who in the f**k would just go to McDonalds just to get a coke.
I do, actually… quite frequently, too. I only drink fountain sodas; never bottled or canned. So when i want a soda, I have to go some place to get it, because i dont just have it at home. Sometimes i will just go to a gas station. Most times, however, I go to McDonald’s because their Coke really does taste better than anywhere else’s. I dont usually get any food, either; just the coke!
The receptionist at my work always makes stops for the stylists when she goes to the bank, too. Sometimes for food, drinks, cigarettes, etc. It’s not unusual for her to go to McDonald’s for just drinks, either. Hell, sometimes I’ll send her to the Mexican place to get my food, and then specifically request a McDonald’s coke!
The McDonald’s at: 727 E San Ysidro Blvd, San Ysidro, CA 92173
Are serving flat soda. When i asked if they can change it, i was told the soda is like that and theres nothing they can do.
Soda is garbage. You’re making your kids FAT!!!!
Who said anything about giving it to their kids? Adults drink soda, too. Not all of us drink it all day, everyday, either. I drink 6-8 bottles of water a day, and at least one cup of hot tea…some days i won’t drink any soda, other days i might have 2-3 fountain sodas. There is nothing wrong with soda itself, it does not “make” anyone fat. As with everything, moderation is key.
There is nothing good about any of this.
If you take your kids to McDonalds and give them Coke you are poisoning them.
Cancer cells love fructose (that’s the sugar your drinking)
Oh and don’t forget type 2 Diabetes
W A K E U P E V E R Y O N E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bull. Unscientific bull. Yes, excess empty calories are not good for weight management. But the claims that cancer cells like fructose better? Come off that scaremongering garbage.
Now just imagine how good it would taste if it were made with real cane sugar, like when we were kids.
I have discovered this years ago and both sides of my family agrees! Never knew why, though. I often go to Mickey D’s JUST for their Cokes! (The only place that comes close is Wataburger, but that is a regional restaurant so not everyone can benefit.). Also, MacDonald’s also serves their largest in styrofoam cups–while some people don’t like that, in Texas during the Summer it is necessary for your drinks to remain as cold as possible for as long as possible!!! ( Their other sizes come in paper cups for those that don’t like styrofoam.). Also some MacDonald’s have Barq’s root beer as well which is also wonderful! Coke & Barqs are the best! I am extremely grateful to MacDonald’s for the care they put into their Cokes! ♥️❤️
The Mcdonalds on Washington blvd in Ogden Utah don’t clean the coke machines often so we always avoid going to that Mcdonalds because their soda sucks…it tastes like the night crew skipped some cleaning duties. Also one time that store served us raw quarter pounders and called them when we got home. They didn’t believe us and we had to keep the raw burgers until the next day so we could take them in. Hope no one else got raw burgers in the meantime
Don’t ask for Diet Coke because they serve you Coke Zero which is NOT Diet Coke.
No, it’s better!
They add water =(
The coke doesn’t taste better it taste worst i never drink coke at mc donalds because it’s gross.
I agree totally! McDonald’s consistently has the best tasting Come at fast food restaurants.
I’ve always wondered why Coca Cola allows so many restaurants to sell an inferior product that taste nothing like Coke. At many places I will not waste my money on fountain Coke as you never know what you’re gonna get.
I never buy Coke if the restaurant has a freestyle machine. That Coke is absolute crap and I’m not sure why Coca Cola is using these machines.
Typos are awkward…
CocaCola is my drink of choice! And yes, it does taste better. Ever since the new dispensers some self serve are actually terrible! The taste from some of those machines is totally unrecognizable.
I love brand name Coke. Can’t drink anything else without finding the taste bad. I prefer my Coke from a can though, always seems fresher and better. For fountain drinks though some places are horrible, like Wendy’s and Taco Bell/KFC
It dose not taste like ?.
Who cares? Their food tastes like crap.
I have always love Coke. Never did drink anything else that is until someone came out with Vanilla Coke. Liked that one also.
Gladys Rath
I knew the second I saw the commercial asking this question it would be McDonald’s! Best coke anywhere,hands down!
I never get a Coke at McDonald’s because it tastes terrible that’s why I always get sweet tea at McDonald’s
Maybe the next time you deliver sponsored messages from a company like McDonalds you might try rewriting it so it doesn’t read like ad copy. Seriously, “straws are slightly bigger so more of that carbonated goodness hits your tastebuds all at once”? “Double filtration system” is another meaningless marketing term that no one outside of a corporate shill is going to use.
How do you know that
Entirely wrong, i use to work at mcdonalds and coke comes the same way everywhere else does. In a plastic box inside a box.
I was thinking that too. I had a friend who stole a box sitting behind MCD while receiving a delivery. Lol. This was a long time ago when we were kids and in Canada. It was a box with a bag inside and that syrup was great. Maybe they get kegs of syrup in America?