Jason Momoa Took James Corden To Do All His Favorite Things and I Love It
James Corden, my FAVORITE Late Night character, and Jason Momoa — *SWOON* — teamed up for a segment on Corden’s show called ‘Two Hours Off,’ and it is spectacular!

The premise is, James has two hours off from his Late Night duties, and he wants to hang out with Jason Momoa during his respite from filming.

Of course, Jason is more than happy to oblige. He wants to treat James to some of his (Jason’s) favorite activities, and we get to be voyeurs on their day of fun.

First up? HOGS — that’s motorcycles for all you UNcool people (like me).

James is too scared to ride the bike — so Jason brings out the sidecar.

That’s more James’ speed! He even sports a groovy outfit to take his spot alongside Momoa.

Woo-hoo! Now this is the life — BUT SLOW DOWN, Jason!

The HOG was fun, but what manly activity does Jason have planned next?

Momoa, who enjoys throwing tomahawks in his free time, treated James to some archery. Is there anything more sexy than Jason Momoa sporting a bow and arrow. *Growl*

After Jason went, it was James’ turn to brandish the bow and arrow. Spoiler Alert — he wasn’t as good. Ha!

OMG! I need a minute. I just LOVE a blindfolded Jason Momoa being all testosterone. Yum! Side note — he was shooting an apple off James’ head here.

Since he didn’t die, next up for James was the bullwhip. Jason snapped that bad boy with little effort.

James didn’t get to start out with the big guns. He started with the baby whip. LOL!

Up next? James had to try to break an egg with the big whip. “If I do this, it’ll be the greatest moment of my life,” James joked.

It only took about thirty seven tries — but —

James finally cracked the egg with the bullwhip!

Thus brought their two hours of fun to an end. I just love both of these men!

Watch the ‘Two Hours Off’ episode, below.